Cronulla clinic: (02) 9527 4099

Francis Crossle

APA Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist

Available at: Cronulla clinic

Francis graduated with a Distinction from Sydney University in 1990. He also holds a BA in Social Science from Mitchell College Bathurst. Since graduating, Francis has worked in private practice in Cronulla and Hurstville. He has strived to take physiotherapy into the community working with many sporting groups from local, state, national and international levels in Little Athletics, netball, softball, touch and tag football. Appointments have included National u/19 Men’s Softball tour to New Zealand; Australian

Open Women’s Softball B-side: National Women’s Junior Softball Team USA 1995 tour and the Junior Men’s tour Canada 1997 when they won the gold medal.

Francis has also done fifteen years as physiotherapist to Professional NRL teams St George Dragons and Cronulla Sharks, as well as Sydney Kings basketball.

Francis has used his expertise with sports injuries in treating the industrial athlete, having past appointments with Qantas, Toyota, Airport Refuellers and Caltex.

Francis is continuing to work with the local community providing guidance to safer sports via presentations, ebooks and educational strapping sessions.

Francis has a large focus now on mentoring the Southside team, achieving gold standard service from all our physiotherapists.


  • BA Soc.Sci.
  • BA App.Sci. Physio

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