Cronulla clinic: (02) 9527 4099

Men’s Pelvic Floor and Prostate Cancer Rehabilitation

Pre-operative physiotherapy includes:

  • Using Real Time Ultrasound (RTUS) as a biofeedback tool to allow men to see the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) working.
  • This allows us to teach more accurately the ‘feel’ of a good quality pelvic floor muscle contraction.
  • Repetition of good quality pelvic floor contractions are much more likely to produce better outcomes than repetition of poor ones.
    It is important that the two functions of the pelvic floor are trained in separate ways.
    Endurance training: focuses on keeping you dry all day.
    Strength training: helps your pelvic floor muscles to cope with heavier demands like coughing, lifting and jumping.
  • It is imperative to get your pelvic floor muscles as strong as possible before your surgery, as this will make your recovery easier.

The post-operative radical prostatectomy program involves:

  • An initial assessment by a specially trained male physiotherapist (after catheter removal) to deal with persisting incontinence (loss of bladder control).
  • He will assess your pelvic floor muscle function and provide you with instruction and a specific training program to restore the muscle control in your pelvic floor to control leakage.
  • Just like all strength programs, consistency is key. You will need to practise the exercises regularly through the day to achieve your desired results.
  • Once this control has been achieved, you will commence general exercises with your male physiotherapist to help increase your exercise load and fitness, helping you “get back into life”.

General: Men’s Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation and Management of Male Urinary Incontinence

Incontinence (loss of control of the bladder causing leaking) is often hidden by men. They don’t know there is help available.

There are two types of incontinence:

  1. Stress Incontinence is a loss of bladder control with a sudden increase in pressure, like a cough or a laugh.
  2. Urge Incontinence is a loss of bladder control where you first feel the urge to go and you are unable to hold on.

The good news is that both of these problems are treatable with the right exercise program and education.

Contact us for advice on how you can improve your pelvic floor and bladder control and stop your incontinence!

If you would like to discuss this topic in confidence, phone Southside Physiotherapy and make an appointment on 9527 4099.

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